What Happens when San Francisco Comes to Pittsburgh!!!

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Hello FitHouse Family!!

I am writing from the West Coast. I spent the past 4 days in San Diego with my daughter Makenna at Todd Durkin’s Mastermind Retreat. For those of you that don’t know what a Mastermind group is let me take a few minutes to define. A Mastermind group is a group who is on one common mission and it is often led by someone who is a top leader in some area. The group comes together through coaching calls, emails, texts and live events like this to collaborate and dive extremely deep on how to make growth happen in our lives personally, professionally and spiritually. When we do our live events they are usually a few days of non stop learning, sharing, addressing challenges and masterminding with one another. This group gives the opportunity to truly step outside of your life to work on it! This year Todd invited us to bring our children who were 12 and above to share in the experience and I brought Makenna. The kids sat in on all of the talks and then one day had their own time to break away with Jesse Dietrich who is a young coach at Todds facility and also a native Pittsburgher. It was so cool to see how diverse this group of kids was but how they were able to connect with one another and at the end 3 days for some tight friendships. They were exposed to a lot in three days some of which went above their heads I’m sure but I also know that some seeds were planted that may not bloom right away but will hopefully at some point.
The first day in San Diego there was a big industry event going on here called IHRSA which is an expo filled with all of the latest equipment and future tools of the fitness industry. I had a chance to pop in there and we may have a few new gadget arriving at FitHouse in the near future!
Todd brought in some tremendous speakers for our Mastermind event, four top leaders in fitness and or business to speak, share and connect with. Dan McDonough is one of the industry’s top Group Fitness Leaders. He has led the revolution with Spin, TRX, Les Mills and now travels the world with Under Armour working on their next project. Lisa Sasevich and Shanda Sumpter are at the top in Leadership ad Natalie Jill is one of the biggest Social Media presences in fitness. Being surrounded by such an amazing group is electric but sometimes after three days of diving deep personally and professionally seeing how far you have come and also realizing how much you still don’t know it can also be a little overwhelming.
With everything that was thrown out there this weekend some of my biggest takeaways were ones that pertain to each and every one of us no matter who we are, what we do and what our status is in life.
Everyone had a story and almost everyones story included a large amount of adversity. Adversity in life is inevitably but those are the times that provide opportunity to sink or to fly. It is in the moments of adversity that we can often grow the most if we take the opportunity.
There is no doubt that some of you out there are going through adversity right now, maybe you have family members or friends that are. Always remember the power that hold to use that adversity to either sink or fly!
Don’t allow your mind to tell your heart what to do…You mind often gives up easily!

Join us in the HOUSE this week so we can help YOU Body and Mind!!!!