Healthy for the Holidays!!!

healthy for the holidays

The Most Wonderful Time of Year can also be the busiest and most Stressful!
It can be very tempting to ditch your workouts and throw away the healthy diet but it’s times like this that those things can be the most important for our bodies and minds! Here are some tips to keep your holiday healthy and keep your fitness strong this season!

1. Plan your Week ahead of time and make sure to include some workouts and healthy Meals
2. Hit the Sack a little earlier for an early rise.
3. When in a pinch opt for Short and Sweet
4. Amp It Up
5. Calm It Down
6. Eat Your Veggies
7. Reduce Stress by Keeping Things Simple so You can Enjoy Time with Friends and Family!!!

We’ve Got Your Back Here at FitHouse and want to help make it easy to Stay Healthy this holiday!!!

Keep It Fun with the Merry Fitmas Challenge
Join Us for one of our 30 Minute Express Classes Tues and Thursday 5:30-6AM or Mon and Wed 12:15-12:45 PM
Get Social at the FitHouse Holiday Brunch this Saturday from 8-11AM. Fuel UP before you head out to tackle the last things on the list!
Join Us Sunday Evening at 6PM for Candlelight Restorative Yoga!

We Hope to See you in the House!!!