Happy Sunday!!! It was back to the grind this week and a busy week at FitHouse! The Kids Sports Conditioning is going strong and we will wrap up session # 1 this week. Christian has been doing an amazing job with the kids. Not only is he giving them the workouts and tools they need to become better athletes and become more fit but he is also helping them learn about nourishing their bodies properly for performance and for life as well as how to recover properly. When I see Christian work with the kids I am inspired! I believe that exercise, good nutrition and passion are such important things to teach our youth and I couldn’t be more excited to be able to do that here at FitHouse! If good habits can be formed at a young age, bad habits won’t need to be broken later in life, and mental and physical health can help you to be your best.
Lindsay has been working hard in the trenches! She is having success with so many amazing clients but one that I want to share is the success she has had with her client, Jim. He has been training with Lindsay for about 5 months. When Jim isn’t hard at work he can be found on the golf course or competing in a tournament. Although very active in life, he never loved the idea of working out. His body however was experiencing a lot of aches and pains, and at the time he started at FitHouse, he was having trouble bending over to tie his shoes. Lindsay’s energy and motivation has made Jim a regular at FitHouse 2 days a week since February. From day 1 he challenged Lindsay to improve his distance and his score on the golf course. He was beyond excited to report that in the past 5 months his driver distance has increased by 20 yards and his scoring average has improved by 3 strokes…in his words “Pretty Impressive”.
Suzie has been working hard motivating and inspiring in her group classes as well as one-on-one training sessions. She is taking some well deserved R & R time this week with her family. Watch out, she will be back recharged and refreshed! We will take turns covering Suzie’s classes and sessions while she is out.
One of my clients that started at FitHouse about a month ago is down 6 inches and feeling better than ever in just 30 days! This past week we started our Fit for Summer Challenge with close to 40 participants determined to stay fit and motivated through the summer. It has been great seeing so many new recipes on the Facebook page and to get some extra motivation from the FitHouse Community!! I can’t wait to see the points from week 1!!!! When I teach a group class there is nothing better than feeling the energy in the room of a group of passionate, hard working, committed individuals striving to be their BEST! That is truly what it is about. We’ve had many inches lost and sizes dropped since opening FitHouse a year ago but even bigger and so much more important than that are the lives that keep changing. We are blessed to be able to witness lives changing every day and to be a part of it. We are blessed to be able to build a Community with individuals like YOU and we are so excited to continue to see it grow.
Wouldn’t it be great if choosing to live healthier, choosing to exercise, choosing to take the measures needed to get stronger and feel better, choosing to recognize that you play a part in how your body feels was easy!!! Let’s face it…It’s not! In order to reap the rewards you have to put in the work. It’s not always easy getting up early, showing up at the end of a long day, showing up period, eating the things that are good for you, getting started, not making excuses, finding time but as Art Williams said “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy- I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” YOU Are worth it and you CAN do it….it’s NEVER too late to get started, to get better, to be your BEST!!!
Have a GREAT week!!!!
FitHouse Community