Hello Everyone!!! What a weekend!!! It was packed full of good stuff. Saturday started with the Terrain Race and Team FitHouse Strong and Stronger crushing it!!! It was really great to see everyone’s success and there is something wonderful about the power of an entire group going through the same experience together. It brings an energy like no other. We had 5 decades of people on our team…and several first time mud runners so it was pretty awesome!
I remember the first time I ever ran an organized race. I didn’t have a team, I didn’t have a leader it was just me showing up at the starting line. It was something that I thought would be neat to do! I remember the butterflies in my stomach not quite knowing what to expect,thinking that I wasn’t ready, not knowing how to put my bib on, wondering if I had the right clothes and the list went on. I remember standing beside people who looked like they had done this a thousand times and feeling like I didn’t quite belong. I remember all of those feelings, but what I remember even more are the feelings that I had when I crossed that finish line, the feeling of conquering something that I wasn’t sure that I could, that overwhelming feeling of YOU DID IT!!!!
After 15 years those feelings are still what drive me. When I encourage someone to do a race that they aren’t sure they are capable of, they aren’t sure that they want to do or that they are afraid of, it’s because I know that they too can have those same feelings and that nothing in the world can buy them, they have to be earned!!! You cannot buy that feeling that you get when you cross the finish line. You cannot buy that feeling of satisfaction when all of the fears, doubts and reservations that you had just melt away.
I know that several of the team members weren’t quite sure if they were ready. When I think about the BIG decisions that I have made in my life 9 times out of 10 I didn’t feel ready. There are many days that I don’t feel ready for what is ahead of me. Our fears of the unknown, our fear of failure, our fear of not being able to meet our expectations are what try to stop us from making those big leaps in life and trying something different, pushing out of our comfort zone. Those fears, excuses and comfort zones rob us of living our lives to the fullest. So maybe if you have something right in front of you that you are not quite sure if you are ready for….you are more ready than ever!!!
FITNESS doesn’t take the Summer off and neither should YOU!
SIGN UPS Monday JULY 11TH-17th in the studio
We know that summer is busy, kids are home, vacations are planned, and pool days are inevitable! BUT our bodies and minds don’t take a break from needing exercise and good nutrition to feel their BEST! We want to help keep you motivated this summer with the FIT FOR SUMMER CHALLENGE! Come join us in July and August to earn points,win prizes and feel great! Stay on track with your workouts, diet and lifestyle this summer and get rewarded!!!!
Sign ups will be at FitHouse between the 11th and 17th of this week!
Group Class Schedule
Schedule Changes and Additions

7.12 5:45 AM Circuits with Suzie
9:15 AM Circuits with Lindsay
7.14 5:45 AM & 9:15 AM Circuits with Lindsay
7.15 6 AM & 9:15 Core & Restore with Lindsay
Boot camp is staying for the summer!!!!
Mondays at 6AM and 9:15AM and Saturdays at 8AM
Programs at FitHouse
Kids Strength & Conditioning Camp
Get Your Kids Stronger, Faster and Better this summer!!!
Click here for more details.

3-Week Sessions STARTS TOMORROW, July 11th
Ages 9-12 11-12 PM
Ages 13+ 12:30-1:30 PM
Ages 9-12 11:15-12PM
Ages 13+ 12:30-1:30PM
**Drop ins Available
Watch our video HERE!
Programs at FitHouse
Next Level Training
Where class meets personal training. Are you ready.