Sometimes it can be really hard to muster up the mental and physical energy to exercise. The ironic part is that the more consistently that you do it the more energy you have and the better you feel! Studies show that the more that you put it off the harder it is to get going. Studies also show that we often tend to imagine that things are going to be a lot harder and unbearable than they really are. The best way to get started is to JUST DO IT!!!!Get your daily dose and your body, mind and spirit will thank you!
The SLIMMER for SUMMER Weight Loss Challenge Starts Saturday, April 9!!!!
Spring is here and summer will be right around the corner! Most of us want to dive into summer feeling and looking our best ready for the summer sun and summer fun! If you are ready to shed a few pounds that were keeping you comfortable and cozy this winter then this challenge is for YOU!!! This four week Challenge will provide you with a clean eating weight loss meal plan, daily motivational texts, a personal coach, a private FB page for sharing, connecting and motivating and more!!! Who is ready to boost their energy, take control and be slimmer for summer!?!?!?! Sign up now. Limited spots are available and already filling.
FitHouse memebers $45
Non Member with unlimited 4 week membership $75
Click Here to Signup on the Schedule! (look for it on April 9th)
Sunday Workouts
A BIG Thank YOU to Christian for getting our Sunday Workouts going and for taking the energy through the roof this AM! Thanks to all of you who attended!!!
If you missed today’s workout Sundays are now on the schedule regularly after next week (Easter). Woot Woot!!! You can experience Christians positive motivation and extra push Sundays at 7:30AM and 8:30AM. He is also available for personal and small group sessions by appointment Sundays, afternoons and evenings throughout the week!
Kids Sports Conditioning
Next session starts March 28th! Signup now!!
Help US help YOU!!!! We know that there are so many people in the community who could benefit from the positive energy, fitness and healthy lifestyle that we share here at FitHouse! DO you know someone who needs some fitness, positive energy and motivation in their lives??? Invite them to join you for a week for FREE!!!!! If they purchase a membership or package you will receive $15 in FitBucks good towards your next package or next month’s membership!
Recipes for Healthy Spring!