Change Your Diet…Change Your Life!

large strawberry; "the beauty of "food as medicine" is that the choice to heal and promote health can begin as soon as the next meal"

Guys, I have been talking to so many people lately about different health conditions ranging from autoimmune diseases to significant aches and pains in the body to mental health problems. When we start to talk there seems to be one HUGE common link in so many of the cases…..less than adequate diets.  I am NO doctor but I have spent a ton of time over the past few years listening to experts, reading books and researching material on how to help our bodies from head to toe, inside and out, feel their best and stay disease and injury free. There is ONE main factor that can be controlled that keeps coming up…the quality of the food that we consume and our diets.

What we put into our bodies or do not put into our bodies has one of the biggest effects on our health. If we want to feel better we are going to have to start to understand the relationship between our health and our food! Sometimes it is not even a matter of what we are eating but what we are not eating!  I am going to start simple today by listing some of the top foods that you can and should incorporate into your diet right now. Just like exercise programs, there is not one nutrition plan that fits all. There are many plans out there and they all serve a different purpose. It takes time and effort to discover what is right for you! Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to learn more about how you can use your nutrition to feel your BEST!

Top 7 Foods for Reducing Inflammation

  1. Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon
  2. Leafy Greens
  3. Fermented and Cultured food (sauerkraut, kimchee, miso and kefir)
  4. Garlic
  5. Blueberries
  6. Matcha Tea
  7. Coconut Oil

Top 5 Spices for Reducing Inflammation

  1. Tumeric
  2. Rosemary
  3. Ginger
  4. Cloves
  5. Cinnamon

Top 8 Foods to Cut down/Get Rid of Right NOW

  1. Soda of any kind even diet
  2. Processed Meats
  3. Food Additives
  4. Fried Food
  5. Foods with Added Sugar of more than 5-6 grams
  6. Refined/White Carbohydrates
  7. Dairy
  8. Alcohol

Start Simple!  Which one or two things can you start incorporating into your daily diet tomorrow?!?!?! Which one or two foods do you need to put the brakes on?!?!  Start NOW…Change your diet and change your life!!!!!


Stand Strong Fit A Thon!

This Memorial Day

Monday, May 29th 7:30 AM- Noon
Memorial Day Murph Challenge, FitHouse Kids Class, & More

We will be doing morning class passes for a $10 donation and we encourage you to bring family, friends, and anyone who’s in for a FUN morning!

We will also be holding a Chinese auction with great baskets, a bake sale, and a vendor table with lots of great stuff!

How can YOU help???
If you like to bake, have a talent or items that you can donate to the vendor table like jewelry, pottery, crafts, clothing, etc. please consider being a part of our event!

We are in the search of a few more baskets! If you have any items or are a part of any local businesses that would be willing to donate that would be awesome!



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That’s right! We’re starting minute of the month challenges to keep YOU motivated, challenged, and fired up! This month our challenge is Plank Up Jacks! Start with your hands in full extension plank, drop both down to forearms, back up to full extension, 1 plank jack, drop both down to forearms, back up to full extension, 1 plank jack, and back down! START PRACTICING and get your name on the board