As I have grown older I have come to really enjoy writing. I find it quite cathartic and it is a way to share and visualize thoughts and sometimes emotions that would often go unexpressed. It can also bring a certain level of clarity to ideas in my head and also serve as a universal connection through our thoughts and stories. However at this point in life it can often be challenging to find the time and the space to write on a regular basis. One simple distraction can throw your mind completely off course and my life seems to filled with a lot of those right now!
I am super excited to announce that I have completed my first chapter to be published in the book “10 Stories of STRONG LIVING…True Fitness Starts in Your Heart” The ok will be released June 6th!
After many Saturdays and Sundays set aside over the past few months for brainstorming,writing, revising and digging deep, monthly conference calls and a few creative blocks and minor meltdowns the project is almost complete!
When I was given the opportunity several months ago to write a chapter in a book collaborating with several of my well respected peers around the country I immediately knew that it was something that I wanted to pursue. Writing a publication has been on my Big 5 list for awhile. I knew that I would be surrounded with the accountability that I needed and I would have the opportunity to learn a lot about the process by working with experts who had already written and published hundreds of books. At this point in my life I have learned that for me those two things are often critical in a successful outcome. The idea of one chapter seemed like just the right amount to keep me invested in the process but also to not cause me to bite off more than I could chew!
Even with this in mind some moments felt like I had bit off more than I could chew!
When I said YES to this project I knew that I was going to have to make it a priority which meant “unprioritizing certain things” Some of the things that I had to “unprioritize” were things that I really enjoy doing like long runs, cooking on the weekends, listening to podcasts, spending time with my friends and Saturday night movie marathons with my family. I knew that for 3 or 4 months certain things were going to have to take a backseat and that was hard. Taking a backseat didn’t mean that I didn’t had to completely give up all of the above things, I just had to structure things a bit differently and those things sometimes had to be bumped to 2nd. My long runs turned into shorter sprints and intervals, my podcast time got replaced with writing, I had to pick and choose my social outings, movie marathons turned into end of the night family massages and we had a lot of grilled chicken and salmon with sides of veggies and sweet potatoes (boring). I knew it was temporary and I knew I had an end purpose which was important to me for so I was ok with it, I had to be.
When we set a goal or decide to make a change in our life a lot of times we have to be willing to reprioritize and often thats not easy. Making changes and reaching goals are a commitment often in many areas Reprioritizing can often be inconvenient and can require discipline in areas that we don’t always like to be disciplined. When we have a lot going on in our lives it can be hard to make a change or reach a goal that is important to us. This 4-5 month process has reminded me of a few important things
1. When we “reprioritize” we find the time
One of the easiest excuses for not doing something is not having the time. What we are often really saying is “I don’t care enough to make the time for that right now” That is absolutely OK if it is something that is not important to you but if it is important then often it’s worth reprioritizing to make the time!
2. The importance of accountability groups
When you have people to hold you accountable, you’re no longer on your own in your journey. You’re less likely to allow yourself to lose focus and become distracted when you have someone who’s encouraging you or who is on the journey with you.
3. The importance of a coach
A coach provides accountability but above that someone who has experience in areas that you do not can save you a lot of time and energy teaching you things a lot more efficiently and effectively.
4. The importance of a written plan
When you have a plan it leaves a lot less room for deviance. When our brains get overloaded it is much harder for then to make decisions or for us to be disciplined. When we have a plan the decisions are already made we just have to follow them.
5. The importance of embracing the process and learning along the way
It is very rare that anything ever goes exactly as planned or as expected. Welcome to life right!?! Sometimes we don’t reach our goal when we expected, sometimes our plan doesn’t work as intended. You will be a lot more willing to set goals and go after them if you accept this fact. No matter what the final outcome or when the final outcome there is always something to learn about yourself in the process.
If there a goal that you want to accomplish or a change that you need to make?!?! What can you reprioritize to make it happen!?!?!?!!
Upcoming Events
Stand STRONG Charity Event
Saturday, April 29th
Start to rally a team of 4!
We Need YOU…Calling All Bakers!!!!!
We are looking for healthy baked good options to sell at our Stand Strong Fit-A-Thon Event on April 29th. Would you like to contribute to the bake sale to raise money for a good cause, the Mighty Penguins Sled Hockey Team and possible a charity of YOUR CHOICE? Team points will also be awarded for baked good items. Let’s see what you’ve got!!!!!
Health and Wellness Event for New & Soon-To-Be Moms!
How to build a healthy foundation from the ground up featuring Fleet Feet, FitHouse and Pittsburgh Chiropractic& Wellness!
Nutrition, Fitness, Health & more… Click HERE!
Come join the FitHouse Team
Saturday May 13th
Seven Springs
Optional Training will begin Tuesdays 6:15 PM at FitHouse and Sundays 10:15-11:15AM.
(Session will increase to an hour and 15 minutes in weeks 5-6-7 and location may vary.)
Includes Weekly Down and Dirty Sessions
A Running Plan
Additional Support as needed
Includes Weekly Down and Dirty Sessions
This includes two additional FitHouse Classes weekly during the training program
A Running Plan
Additional Support as needed
That’s right! We’re starting minute of the month challenges to keep YOU motivated, challenged, and fired up! This month our challenge is burpees! Hands to the ground, jump back, jump forward, and hop it up! START PRACTICING and get your name on the board.
Congratulations to our member Shellie Smith for rocking out the minute of the month in March for 47 Hand Release Push Ups in 1 Minute! WOW!!!! Good job everyone it was definitely a close one!
![Todd Durkin leading post-workout meditation](