I hope you all had a Great Weekend! I had the opportunity to take a quick trip to Coronado California for about 48 hrs with an incredible group of people in the Todd Durkin Mastermind Institute. We dove into a lot in just a short amount of time, great workouts, watching Athletes from the NFL and Baseball Pros train, learn about some of the newest technology and products in the fitness industry and network with some of the most talented and passionate people in the industry. There was one thing in common with everyone that was there they lead with their heart and are on missions to change lives.
We trained hard but the other thing that we did equally was had quality Zen time. The picture above is Todd leading a 15 minute meditation at the end of an outdoor workout. I cannot wait to bring back some of this great stuff to FitHouse and share it with all of you. Being there was a reminder to me of just how incredible ALL of YOU are!!! Please don’t forget that. With all that I digested in the short 48 hrs that I was there one person had an enormous impact on me…Dr. Heidi Hanna. She studies stress and the brain and was absolutely phenomenal with what she had to share. I want to share with you some of my top take aways from the weekend that came from Heidi’s Presentation.
- Most of Us suffer from a significantly imbalanced nervous system because we are on high alert a majority of the time. We need to make time to SLOW down.
- Stress is a Great thing when managed correctly.
- EXERCISE is the BEST way to strengthen the prefrontal cortex…a very important part of the brain….the decision maker.
- The top 4 Ways to Redesign the Nervous system are Eat right, Move, Sleep and Connect
- Stress is HIGHLY addictive.
- Feeling Isolated is worse on your health than smoking cigarettes.
- The more our environment continues to move at a fast forward speed the more important it is to take intentional time to Slow down, breathe and recharge quality energy. Let’s focus this week on making the time to
Have a Great Week!!!!
That’s right! We’re starting minute of the month challenges to keep YOU motivated, challenged, and fired up! This month our challenge is SIT UPS! The challenge will begin Wednesday, but we’re preparing you now to get ready! More about the challenge will be explained this week so get to class and fire up those abs!
FitHouse 101 & Open Gym Hours!!!
—First session… THIS TUESDAY 6:15 PM! Join Coach Chris for open gym hours and stay tuned for additional times if interest spikes! 10 spot limit so sign up NOW! Take advantage of a WOD (Workout of the Day) created by Chris to complete at your own pace, do your own workout, ask Chris for advice, and get the most out of this opportunity to use our equipment, share your ideas, get our feedback, and succeed in your own goals! For a limited time- Available with class packages, take advantage NOW!
Kids Sports Conditioning is NOW ONGOING!!
By popular demand…We have decided to make kids sports conditioning an ongoing program! Memberships will now be purchased for the month and adjusted if holidays interrupt! Click here for more details on times and days!
WANT TO JOIN OUR TEAM AND GET MUDDY! What a great way to work towards a goal! Join us for a mud on the mountain race this May 13th at Seven Springs! We just got word that we will have a special team registration fee of $55 per person! It’s a great deal!!! Let us know if you are on board!!! Check it out here.
![FitHouse Team](https://fithousepa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/fithouse-team.png)