Happy Sunday Everyone!!! I’m writing to you from Paradise Island Bahamas! I had my post all set ahead of time so I could just copy and paste while here in the Bahamas, BUT surprise I changed my mind!!! I’m going to make it short and sweet, but I was inspired to share a few things!! For me, last week was all about not sweating the small stuff!!! It was two days before heading out of town and my husband had some crazy things happening with work, our almost finished basement flooded and two of my kids were sick. Life often seems to run that way! It’s all an opportunity to practice not sweating the small stuff!!!
It’s been about 17 years since I have been to the Bahamas. When I performed with the cruise lines, we used to come here frequently, and one of my favorite parts was meeting the locals. A lot has changed here since then, but there is one thing that hasn’t! The islanders still don’t sweat the small stuff!!! I’ve been greeted with so many warm hellos, high fives for the kids, no problem mans and hey beautiful mamas…it’s great!!
It’s cool to be back here after 17 years and it’s even better to share some my memories (just some) of my experiences with my children. As I look out the window and am surrounded by nature’s most beautiful creations I am reminded of a few things:
1. Be grateful for every moment and experience.
You don’t know when and if they will happen again. 17 years ago my dance career allowed me to visit some amazing places. When I left them I never really knew if and when I would be back…I could only hope and dream. I got to experience so much and definitely appreciated it. 17 years later, I am here again with my family. I have met several others on this trip who have similar stories about how they were here years ago and have made their way back. A few years ago a trip like this wouldn’t have been possible and a few years from now it may not be possible either. You never know what tomorrow may bring so we need to make sure that we truly appreciate the time, opportunities and people that we have right now!
2. Greatness comes from doing what you do with all your heart!
Our taxi driver from the airport to the hotel was awesome! He told lots of stories, made us laugh, high-fived friends out the window, educated us on the island, made a pit stop at the grocery store and liquor store and left us with a great first impression. His van was old with no air conditioning but he kept it in good condition. It was a typical island vehicle and exactly what I wanted the kids to experience! As of now it was Kaylie’s favorite part of the trip. You could tell he worked hard and enjoyed life!!! He was great as what he did and no one could take that away from him!!! It showed!!
3. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
In our busy lives we are surrounded by so much “small stuff” that it can sometimes become overwhelming and we let it turn into big stuff. Small stuff can zap us of the important things in life. When it comes to the small stuff, it has helped me to ask myself, will this matter in a year from now, 3 years from now or 10 years from now. Most of the time the answer is no…it’s just small stuff!
SO as you go into this week I urge you to
BE grateful
BE Great at what you do
and Don’t sweat the small stuff!!!!
Have a great week!
Extreme Jam February Special
That’s right! We’re starting minute of the month challenges to keep YOU motivated, challenged, and fired up! This month our challenge is SIT UPS! The challenge will begin Wednesday, but we’re preparing you now to get ready! More about the challenge will be explained this week so get to class and fire up those abs!
FitHouse 101 & Open Gym Hours!!!
—First session… THIS TUESDAY 6:15 PM! Join Coach Chris for open gym hours and stay tuned for additional times if interest spikes! 10 spot limit so sign up NOW! Take advantage of a WOD (Workout of the Day) created by Chris to complete at your own pace, do your own workout, ask Chris for advice, and get the most out of this opportunity to use our equipment, share your ideas, get our feedback, and succeed in your own goals! For a limited time- Available with class packages, take advantage NOW!
Kids Sports Conditioning is NOW ONGOING!!
By popular demand…We have decided to make kids sports conditioning an ongoing program! Memberships will now be purchased for the month and adjusted if holidays interrupt! Click here for more details on times and days!
WANT TO JOIN OUR TEAM AND GET MUDDY! What a great way to work towards a goal! Join us for a mud on the mountain race this May 13th at Seven Springs! We just got word that we will have a special team registration fee of $55 per person! It’s a great deal!!! Let us know if you are on board!!! Check it out here.
![Kid jumping off of a box at FitHouse](https://fithousepa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/kidbox.jpg)
Next Level Small Group Training
Take it to the next level. Work hands on with your FitHouse Coach, track your progress with quarterly assessments, see the difference, notice the change, love the challenge!