Fuel for Life 2017

Fuel for Life 2017

Fuel for Life 2017

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas day filled with family, friends and happiness! There are only a few days left in 2016. It has been a really busy ending to the year, and I am taking time this week to slow down a little bit, reflect on this past year and make a rockin plan for 2017! What were my wins, what were my losses, what have I learned, what worked really well, what do I want to change??? Although there are many more, those are some of the questions that will help set a plan for 2017!!!!

At the end of the day most of us want something similar in life…happiness!!! What creates that ultimate happiness is different for each of us, and discovering what makes you truly happy is often a journey of experiences, successes, failure, perspective and can change depending on where you are in life.

One of the things that I really enjoy doing is listening to audibles–books, podcasts, etc. Choosing positive material and mentors to listen to help keep my mind moving in the right direction and assist me in areas where, and at times when, I feel stuck. I don’t always get to listen as often as I would like, but I try to hit a book each month and a few shorter podcasts every month. The great thing about audibles is that I can listen in the car, while I’m working out, when I’m cleaning up the house etc.  

One of the books that I listened to this past year was The Power of ONE.   There was a key point in this book that served  as a reminder to me throughout the year and from the title it is not too hard to figure out what it is. “What is the ONE thing that I need to do today that will help everything else fall into place and get the ball rolling???”  What ONE thing will make everything else a little easier???? When I am struggling with my task list I go to that question. I have found that when I fill my list and agenda with so many things it is easy to feel like a hamster on a wheel running in circles. Starting with ONE thing can make it a lot more manageable and often lead us to a road of success. The challenging part is sometimes figuring out what that ONE thing is! 

Sometimes I get asked, How do you get so much done??? I struggle with it just like the next person, but most often it is a matter of choices and prioritizing. When I choose to get certain things done there are definitely things that I have to choose not to get done. The busier life is the more important those choices of what to do and what not to do become.

So as I set up 2017 I ask myself what is that one thing that I need to make sure that I have in my day to set everything else in motion?!?! You guessed it, at the top of the list, FITNESS!!  I know what you are thinking!! Of course I would say that, I own a fitness studio!!! But the truth is that ONE thing has been a part of my life long before I owned a fitness studio, coached fitness classes, became a personal trainer or had any involvement in the fitness industry. As a matter of fact my belief in that ONE thing and it’s ability to make a true difference in my own life and others is what led me down the path of fitness. For some, fitness may be a distinct goal in life, but for many fitness can serve as the fuel to feel good in life and live life to the fullest!!! When I start my day with fitness I have Better FOCUS, I’m in a Better MOOD, I have Better ENERGY, I EAT Better, I GET MORE DONE and I FEEL Better!!  There are days when I don’t feel like working out, but it is a no brainer. When I do it I am far more likely to set myself up for a successful day, a day where I feel happy, healthy and focused and less fearful!!! After that I can move on to that next ONE thing that will get the ball rolling or keep it rolling towards the most important things in my day and life.

So as 2016 is coming to an end and you start thinking about 2017 remember the importance of finding that ONE thing that can serve many important areas in your life! Don’t make a list that is too long!!! Remember that fitness can be the first step to adding FUEL FOR LIFE!!! FitHouse can and would love to help help you with that ONE thing!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for lots of excited things that we have planned at FitHouse for 2017 to keep your Mind and Body FUELED, HEALTHY and feeling it’s BEST!!!!

******WEATHER WATCH********

Winter Weather has arrived!!! Please make sure to check your email or Facebook for any class cancellations due to inclement weather. Your fitness is important to us but so is everybody’s safety!!!!


Please bring a change of shoes with you to prevent slippery floors! We want to keep the studio as clean as possible and prevent any unnecessary falls!

THIS MONTH at FitHouse!!!

Bring in the New Year with US… 

Join Christine and Lindsay for a SPECIAL New Year’s Eve workout with all of YOUR favorites as requested by YOU! Head over to our Facebook page to comment on the post if you didn’t let us know your favorites!!!!

Let’s end 2016 as STRONG as we started!