Fit for the Holidays!!!!

Santa doing yoga

Santa doing yoga

December is officially Upon us and it is time for some Fitmas Cheer at FitHouse!!! There is no better time to get our fit on!!! Let’s keep our Mojo up through the holidays and keep health and  fitness a priority this holiday season!!!!  Earn your tickets to win the FitHouse Basket of Cheer filled with all kinds of goodies!!!  Here’s how!!!  FitHouse will be raffling off a FitHouse Basket of cheer filled with FitHouse apparel, a water bottle, a Fithouse protein packed mug, stretching strap, resistance band and MORE!!!

Check below to see all of the ways that you can earn a raffle ticket in December!

  1. Check in on Facebook when you come to class!
  2. Bring a Donation for the CAS Angel Tree Families or Crib Fund
  3. Participate in the 12 Days of Christmas Holiday Challenge
  4. Wear an Ugly Sweater to Class
  5. Wear Your Jingle Bells, Reindeer Antlers or Santa Hat to Class
  6. Sing Karaoke at the FitHouse Holiday Party!!!

Pick up your ticket at FitHouse and place it in the bucket. Winner will be drawn December 30!!!


We just wrapped up the Final Month of the Biggest Winner Challenge!!! You will have to wait one more day to find out who the winning team and winning individual was!!!! Everyone kicked butt and it was a close ending!!! Stay tuned for the BIG reveal tomorrow!!!!

THIS MONTH at FitHouse!!!

Dec10th- Angel Tree Donations Due!
A huge Thank You for your generosity and for spreading some extra cheer and love this holiday season!

Monday Dec 12th-Sat Dec 16th – Ugly Sweater Week!!!! Wear Your Ugly Sweater too FitHouse this Week for your chance to win the UGLIEST Sweater Prize!!

Fri Dec 16th 7PM FitHouse Holiday Party at Girl Friday!!!! This is our way of saying THANK YOU for a wonderful year!!!! We know you all work hard now we want to see you play hard too!! Please let us know if you will be attending. Spouse and significant others are welcome. Attire is dressy casual! No Lululemon!!!

As we continue to grow our team so we can serve you better you will be seeing some new coaching faces around FitHouse! We have some outstanding individuals looking to join our team. They are very excited as are we. Please welcome them and be patient as they get acquainted with the FitHouse Community and operating systems! I have no doubt they will be great additions to our team!!!

Joining Us this Week will be Coach Chris Yutzey
Chris earned his degree in Exercise Science from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and is also certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Chris brings with him a passion to help people achieve their goals and learn how to make their bodies stronger and healthier by coaching proper movement patterns and helping individuals correct weaknesses.
His fun, energetic demeanor combined with his knowledge and passion make him a force to be reckoned with!

Welcome Chris!!!!!!

Save the Date

~~Yuletide Yoga With Brit~~

Sunday, November 27th & Sunday, December 17th

We received awesome feedback from our first restorative yoga session with Brit, so we’re bringing it back! Poses will be held for a length of time to allow release of tension in muscles, fascia, and tissue. Attention  Poses will be held for a length of time to allow release of tension in muscles, fascia and tissue. Attention to breath work and how to incorporate better breathing to maximize the benefit of each pose. Beginners WELCOME! Drop in rate for individuals without group class packages available! Email [email protected] for questions!

Muscle of the Month

GLUTEUS MEDIUS!!Gluteus Medius

As many of you know at FitHouse we put a lot of focus on proper muscle activation, form and technique while we are having fun and building stronger bodies!  When you train with us we want your body to get stronger and feel good and hope that you do too. Training with proper form and being aware of how and what muscles are working or not working are a BIG part of that!  Often it’s not a matter of training harder but training smarter. This month we are going to focus on a muscle in the lower body that is often overlooked, the Gluteus Medius.

There’s more to your butt than the cheek. While you may be trying to hit your gluteus maximus, your gluteus medius is usually ignored. And that can wreck your knees.

The glute medius prevents your knees from caving in when you’re squatting and lunging and deadlifting, This can cause ACL injuries and knee pain, as well as affect other parts of your lower body. When your knee caves in, your femur internally rotates, and the inside of your knee gets strained. As a result, your foot arch can wind up collapsing. It’s a cascading effect.

And if you fix it? You’ll help protect from ACL injury, but also you’ll be able to lift more weight  and if you’re a runner, you’ll run farther without pain.

The top three exercises for the Gluteus Medius are:

  1. Hydrants
  2. Lateral Band Walks
  3. Side Lying Clams

Hmmmm any of those sound familiar?????