No Energy Vampires!!

No Energy Vampires!

No Energy Vampires!With Halloween just around the corner I thought this was a fitting post!!! We have all been in the presence of energy vampires and although not fun to admit, I am sure that we have all been an energy vampire at one time or another as well! I remember speaking to someone a few years ago and they said, “You must remove all of the energy vampires from your life.”  I laughed and said, “What do I do with my children??” Don’t get me wrong, my children can fill me with some of the best energy ever, but those of you with children can also relate to those days when all is great, you are feeling good, you are on top of your game, and then in a matter of minutes your would is flipped by a case of the terrible twos, a middle school meltdown or a teenage tantrum!!!! It’s like someone is trying to sabotage your good mood!

Unfortunately sometimes it is difficult to remove energy vampires from your life especially if you live with them, work with them or need to encounter them on a daily basis! One thing that a mentor of mine once said is that when she is around someone who is zapping her energy, she imagines herself in a big white bubble or surrounded by a bright white light so that her own energy cannot be affected. I loved this, and with four girls I practice this at least one week of the month!!! I think that my husband may actually live in his bubble sometime…lol!  SO the next time you are in the presence of an energy vampire turn your bright light on, and if you feel yourself being an energy vampire, remind those around you to turn on theirs!!!

There are other things that can zap you of your energy! Check out the list below to see how you can eliminate all energy vampires from your life!!!

Energy Zappers!!

Dehydration – Even if you aren’t dehydrated, you might experience some negative consequences of not drinking enough water. Being tired and cranky can be a sign that you’re not getting enough water.  Lori Chong, R.D., at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio,  says “Just trying to work in some extra water might make a difference in your energy levels.”

Not Exercising – A lot of people like to use the excuse “I’m too tired to exercise” when in fact exercise has been proven to increase energy levels by raising mood boosting endorphins as well as decreasing weight and increasing blood flow all which contribute to higher energy levels!

Low iron – You might feel fatigued if you’re not pumping iron, but making sure you have enough iron in your diet can also be critical to staying alert.

Extreme fatigue is one of the top symptoms of iron deficiency, which can also cause weakness, chest pain, infections, headaches, inflammation and many other symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic.

High Stress – Conflict and stress can quickly deplete your energy resources.  To deal with stress, they advise, communicate, compromise, and problem-solve. Cope with anxiety and stress by meditating, taking a walk, exercising or breathing deeply and slowly. Keep a journal or diary by your bedside and write down the top issues that are stressing you out that day so that they don’t effect your sleeping at night.

Eating Sugar – Diet is a big problem for many. A healthy diet, which keeps blood sugars at a stable level, can lead to an energy boost. While sugary food may promise a quick rush of energy, it also provides a crash that comes just as quickly. A sweet treat like a candy bar or a simple carb causes a huge release of insulin, which lowers blood sugar and leaves you feeling sluggish. Make the wrong choice for lunch, and you’ll be snoozing at your desk by mid-afternoon.

Drinking too much caffeine – Bad news for caffeine lovers: It’s actually taking away more energy than it’s giving.“Obviously, caffeine can increase your energy level, but too much can cause a rebound and cause fatigue,” said Dr. Hensch. “Not having enough sleep is likely the problem. Drinking caffeine is like putting a Band-Aid on a wound. The best thing to do is just prevent the wound.” Try green tea to replace your afternoon cup of joe!

Class Changes for This Week

This Week ONLY!  Thursday night Tabata moved to 6:15 pm-7:00 pm.

Sunday, October 18th is Recover, Restore and Recharge Day at FitHouse

We often think that we are getting stronger while we are working out! But it is the entire process of workout AND recovery that makes us stronger, keeps our bodies functioning properly AND help us get stronger!  You have all been working hard so we wanted to give you a chance to recover!!! Come join us for a morning of recovery and restoration!!! Click here for more info.

Pink Out!

FitHouse is going pink in honor of Breast Cancer awareness month! From Monday Oct. 12th-Friday October 16th wear pink and be entered to win a variety of prizes from Class packages, FitHouse Bucks and More!!! You may submit an entry for every day you wear pink!!!!

Halloween Costume Contest

I can’t believe that it is already that time of year for ghosts, goblins and Halloween fun! Get those costumes ready because we will be giving out prizes for the BEST costume in Classes Friday, Oct. 30th and Saturday, Oct. 31st!!! Muahhhh!!!!!