Be Contagious!!

Energy is contagious

Hello Everyone!!!!

It’s been a great BUSY week at FitHouse!!! We have a lot of new stuff brewing!!!! We start out Biggest Winner Challenge tomorrow, and we have over 120 participants!!!!! What a great opportunity to make a huge impact in the health, fitness and energy of the community!!! That means we will have lots of new faces around FitHouse!!!!!! This is our chance to be CONTAGIOUS!!!!  We need YOU!!!!!! For all of our FitHouse members I need you to spread the amazing energy that you bring with you on a regular basis!!! After all we all know that energy both positive and negative is CONTAGIOUS!!!!

We all know what it is like to be around energy vampires and we also know what it is like to be around positive energy creators!!!! I am extremely proud to say that FitHouse is filled with positive energy creators. YOU make FitHouse an amazing place!!!! Make sure to check out some of the new additions for the month below. The challenge for this week is to be a positive energy creator at home, at work and creator in life!!!! It definitely is not always easy!!! Surround yourself with those who lift you higher and believe in YOU!!!!!!

If you need to catch some positive energy and a healthy attitude we’ve got it at FitHouse! Whether it is surrounding yourself with positive people, getting fit, reaching an athletic goal, cleaning up your diet or just building a recipe for a healthy lifestyle, we have the team that will help you get there! 

Small Group Next Level Training

Are you ready to take it to the NEXT Level!!! Then this is for you!!!  This small group training is designed to help you take it to the next level. These sessions will move in a progressive manner with workouts that will take you through multiple phases of training and allow you to progressively advance through training skills. Get ready to get STRONG!!!! You must register online for this small group session!

Monday 5:15 AM
Monday 6:15 PM
Wednesday 11:00 AM
Thursday 10:15 AM
Thursday 5:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM

Special Trial Price of only $10 a session this month for FitHouse members and Biggest winner nonmembers!!!!!! You must register. This session closes at 6 people.

You asked and We listened!!!!! AFTERNOON CLASS ADDED

WEDNESDAY 1:15- 2:00 pm

Circuits and Tabatas

This Class will use both circuit and tabata style training for a 45 minute fully body workout. It is suited for all fitness levels