Happy Labor Day!!!
I hope that you are enjoying a great Labor Day Weekend! If you haven’t already take a moment today to think about what Labor Day means to you! I have heard a lot of great messages this weekend and they were all good reminders of the importance of Work!! If you have a dream, a goal, a task that needs completed you have to WORK!!!! Without the hard work of so many our world would not be where it is today and our lives would not be what they are. Work is not always fun,it is not always the easy path but it usually gets us results and pays off in the end!
I love the quote that says “when you love your job then you will never work a day in your life.” I hope that for many of you that is true, I know for myself I am able to say that quote holds a lot of truth in what I do.
When I think of my children’s future one of my hopes for them is that they will find work that they love and are passionate about. Of course we all have days in our work that are tougher than others and days when we just don’t feel like working, but those tough days are what hopefully drive us to become stronger, smarter and better!!
The kids are back to school, schedules are being set and summer is coming to an end. It’s a great time to focus on getting back to WORK. How can you work to inspire someone around you, to make a difference? Think about those who work at jobs that are not so glamorous, those who work long hours with little pay, those whose whose work makes a difference in your life. Take a moment today to thank someone whose work makes your life just a little better through their hard work!!! Maybe it’s your doctor or your hairdresser or maybe it’s the starbucks barista who knows your drink when you walk in, whoever it is take a minute to say thanks and then GET to WORK!!!!!!

This Week’s Classes
Tues 6AM Circuit Central-Strength
Tues 9AM Circuit Central-Strength
Thurs 6AM Tabada Challenges
Thurs 9AM Tabada Challenges
Friday 9:15AM Barre Blast
Saturday 8:00AM Gladiator Bootcamp
Gladiator Bootcamp will be held at Pleasant Valley School weather permitting!