Jalyn Williams

Jalyn Williams

Jalyn is originally from Pittsburgh, but she has moved 8 different times in her life! She attended the University of Louisville where she earned her Exercise Science degree with a minor in wellness coaching.

Training Philosophy

Train for life. Find WHY you started in the first place and identify your core values to continue making change. When you have a powerful reason behind your training, it becomes rewarding in itself. I want all the people I reach to train because they believe that this is one of the best ways to test their character and to grow as an individual, it becomes a part of who they are.

How do you recharge?

Family time 

Coffee or Tea?


If I were not a trainer I would be...

I would be a physical therapist along with a dance teacher 

If you could have one superpower what would it be?


Healthy Go-To Snack

Rx bars or KIND bars

Secret Indulgence

oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, Watching animated movies---I love them 

Bucket List Sneak Peak

visit all 50 states/ go camping at Acadia national park in Maine/attend the Olympics

If you could learn to do one thing what would it be?

Play the guitar 

When not at FitHouse, where will we find you?

At local dance studio or All-star Dance gym 

Favorite Restaurant

any Mediterranean restaurant (Zoe's kitchen, Shiraz Mediterranean Grill, Taziki's Mediterranean cafe) 

Favorite Mantra/Quote

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

If you had one hour, what would you do with it?

Most likely spend it dancing, watching dance videos or walking with my niece