Conditioning for Dancers and Gymnasts


Series 2

Tuesday August 4th and Thursday August 6th

Ages 10 and up!!

11:00-12:30 p.m.



Single Class $20

Both Classes $35

To register email [email protected]

As a former professional dancer and gymnast and a 15 year veteran in the fitness industry I have learned the extreme importance in developing a strong core, creating a balance between strength and flexibility and gaining an understanding of proper alignment of the body. Not only will this enhance performance quality but equally important it will help to avoid injuries that occur from imbalances, improper alignment and overuse. Many times compensations and imbalances at a young age show up as injuries later in life.
I have had the opportunity to stand beside some of the top leaders in sports performance as well as specialists in physical therapy, muscle imbalances and corrective technique. This has helped me to create a sound program that will help to create the “balanced” dancer and gymnast who can excel at their craft.  This series will work at improving technique, flexibility and complete core and body strength while helping the student gain a clear understanding of proper alignment.